Replacement of the Gas and Fire System, PEBD and PEL Plants
SCOPE: Training & Studies of Risk Analysis HDPE, PEBD & PEL Plants; ACR PEL & Butene Plants, HAZOP reactor new. CLIENT: POLINTER. LOCATION: Venezuela. DATE: 2016. INDUSTRY: Petrochemical
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SCOPE: HAZOP, SIL, QRA and Gas dispersion including location of gas detectors studies. CLIENT: YPF Refination. LOCATION: Bolivia. DATE: 2018. INDUSTRY: Oil & Gas
SCOPE: F&G Detectors Mapping Study. CLIENT: YPF Bolivia. LOCATION: Chile. DATE: 2015. INDUSTRY: Oil & Gas
SCOPE: HAZOP, Consequences Analysis, SIL-LOPA, SRS and SIL Verification studies. CLIENT: Empresas Polar. LOCATION: Venezuela. DATE: 2015. INDUSTRY: Food & Beverages
SCOPE: Training. CLIENT: PDVSA. LOCATION: Venezuela. DATE: 2015. INDUSTRY: Oil & Gas
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