Equipment auxiliary and common areas of Boilers 3&4
SCOPE: Engineering & Applications for supervision, control & ESD for Boilers & Turbogenerators. CLIENT: PEQUIVEN. LOCATION: Venezuela. DATE: 1998. INDUSTRY: Petrochemical
Productos relacionados
SCOPE: Safety PLC Programming and Configuration, integration to HMI & DCS. CLIENT: HIMA Americas. LOCATION: USA. DATE: 2023. INDUSTRY: Petrochemical
SCOPE: Engineering, Procurement & Construction, electrical generation parameters integrated to the supervisory system. CLIENT: PDVSA. LOCATION: Venezuela. DATE: 2002. INDUSTRY: Oil & Gas
SCOPE: Engineering, Procurement & Construction of the Burner, Shutdown & Protection System. CLIENT: MARAVEN. LOCATION: Venezuela. DATE: 1998. INDUSTRY: Oil & Gas
SCOPE: Engineering for Combustion Control, Flame Safety & Boiler Protection. CLIENT: Electricidad de Caracas. LOCATION: Venezuela. DATE: 1996. INDUSTRY: Power Generation